
Environment variables

ClassiX® Environment Variables

The environment variables for ClassiX listed below are divided into system, user and ObjectStore environment variables. System variables are evaluated by the ClassiX® basic system itself, user variables control application and user-specific settings. The ObjectStore environment variables that are normally required for operation with ClassiX are listed here. Help for working with environment variables can be found here.

Environment variables need not necessarily be set before starting ClassiX. Instead they can be passed to ClassiX with the parameter -E (e.g. -ECX_LOGGING_INI=logging.ini).

System Environment Variables

Most of the following environment variables can also be set in the classix.cfg file in the startup directory. In this file the variables are written in lower case and the "CX_" is omitted.

Name Description Value Comment
CX_ABEND Protocol for ClassiX® abort. String, logfile name.
Default: CX_SYSTEM\CXAbend.log or CX_ROOTDIR\system\CXAbend.log
only for ClassiX® supervisor
Size of the Arena in ClassiX (in bytes) Number (decimal, or hexadecimal with '0x' prefix)
Default: 0x800000 (=8MB)
The arena is the ring buffer used by ClassiX for the intermediate results of arithmetic operations. If the arena is too small, intermediate results that are still needed may be overwritten.
CX_BIRT_DEBUG_CONSOLE Flag, whether a console should be opened when calling Birt String (e.g. TRUE or ON)
Default: not defined
If the call of Birt reports does not work, the console can be switched on to see the error messages when calling. If the call is successful, the console will automatically close again.
BIRT_HOME In this directory, the BIRT programmes are searched BIRT_HOME=c:\programme\birt-runtime-osgi-4.6.0 Is defined via the general Windows environment variable on the PC or via the calling batch file.
CX_BITMAP Directories in which bitmaps are searched String
Default: CX_ROOTDIR\bmp
the directories are separated by semicolon and searched in the order given
CX_CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR Portion that the ObjectStore Cache should receive from the free memory. It is recommended to set this instead of the OS_CACHE_SIZE environment variables, because this way the cache size dynamically adapts to the size of the client memory. Number
Default: 25
in %


Sets the directory to which the change history logs are written.
Influences the variable CX_CHANGELOGFILENAME for logging.ini.
Default: System\Changelog
If log4cplus.OrganizeLogsByDate is set in logging.ini, the changelogs in subdirectories are sorted by the current date /YYYY/MM/DD
If set, then every n inserts is checked to see if a SET(Collection) is mainly filled with clustered objects, which can lead to performance problems.Number 1-n
Default: 0
The information is logged to the logger cx.omgr.set.clustering.
CX_CLUSTERING Pattern Number < 256
Default: 0
controls the master / slave object criteria for clustering
CX_CORBA_HOSTNAME Name of the CORBA server object in the NamingService String

Should only be used if a unique name is appropriate. For scalability or reliability, it is better to use the name hierarchy.

CX_CORBA_OPTIONS initialisation values to the CORBA initialisation routine (e.g. to select the NamingService). e.g. -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:liserver:1245/NameService
CX_CORBA_PROJECT The name of the CORBA project. String Represents the middle part of the name hierarchy and should be preferred to CX_CORBA_HOSTNAME.
CX_CRASHDUMP_DIR Directory for the crash dump files String

With this environment variable, the target directory for crash dump files can be set (see CX_CRASHDUMP_MODE). No date directory structure is created here.

If CX_CRASHDUMP_DIR is not set, crash dumps are stored directly next to the log files.

CX_CRASHDUMP_MODE Detail level of the crash dump Number
Default: 0
If a ClassiX application crashes, a crash dump file is automatically written, which contains information about the application at the time of the crash. The files are written to the System directory or the directory set by CX_CRASHDUMP_DIR and are named "CXcrash_.dmp". Together with the log files they are used by the ClassiX base developers to analyse the problem in order to identify and fix the reason for the crash.

This environment variable can be used to set the information scope of the dump file. Currently two levels are supported:

  • 0: Default, minimal information. File size typically 30-100 KB.
  • 1: Maximum information. The entire memory of the process is written out, so the files can be several 100 MB in size.
CX_DATABASE full path of the first database Full path of the database file CLASSIX.INI environment variable. See also the notes on securing the database
CX_DB_DEFAULT_MODE Standard database opening mode WRITE, KEEP_UPDATE or READ_ONLY If a transaction is opened automatically, writing is possible with WRITE, but not with READ_ONLY, because the database is opened in MVCC mode. KEEP_UPDATE opens the database as in WRITE mode, but BeginTXN(READ) statements (to switch to MVCC mode) are ignored.
Wait for external debugger at startup.Not set, run, suspendIf set, ClassiX starts the access for the external debugger before the first line of InstantView is executed and waits with the programme start until the external debugger is connected.

run = As soon as the debugger is connected, the process continues to run normally.

suspend = As soon as the debugger is connected, processing is stopped and the debugger stops at the first line of InstantView code.
Not set or 1Shows additional information about the currently used estimator and the error value in the progress window.
CX_DUMP_ON_EXCEPTIONS Create a crash dump in case of errors numbers separated by , or ; If one of the specified exceptions occurs, a crash dump will be written. The content is determined by the set crash dump mode. The file is located in the set directory (see CX_CRASHDUMP_DIR) and is named: "CXcrash_excp.dmp".

This setting should only be used for debugging purposes. Writing a dumpfile when an error occurs can lead to a noticeable blockage of the application.

CX_EDITOR Path to the text editor and call parameters (see monitor window) VSCode
code.cmd -r -g %s:%d:%d "H:\VSCode\classix.code-workspace"

Set path names with spaces in quotes:
c:\"Program Files"\...

If this environment variable is set, an exception message will offer to jump to the source code concerning the error message.

Path to the \elster directoryFull directory path
Default: %CX_BIN%\elster
The ericapi.dll including \plugins2 directory is expected in this directory if Elster is used.

The variable does not usually have to be set, but can be specified to store the Elster directory elsewhere.
Reactivate ghost window Not set or 1233108, window ghosting is disabled by default because it causes "(No feedback)" to appear in the title when ClassiX is busy for a long time, sometimes messing up the window order.

This means that the ClassiX windows can no longer be moved or minimised during this time. If moving a busy ClassiX instance is felt to be necessary, the old behaviour can be reactivated via this variable.
CX_EXEC EXE file with which ClassiX is started. e.g.: cx_oso.exe or cx_osuo.exe
Sets the value of CX_LOGFILENAME so that the log file is written to a specific location without having to adjust the logging.ini String
CX_GARBAGE_LOGGING_THRESHOLD Log garbage collection runs that last longer than n milliseconds Number (in milliseconds) Logging in category cx.gc with INFO level


Address of the online documentation of the ClassiX® system String
Default: http address


The online documentation of the ClassiX® system is based on Tiki Wiki.

CX_HELPROOT should be defined as empty.
CX_HELPROOT_APPSWH refers to the user documentation and CX_HELPROOT_INSTANTVIEW refers to the technical documentation

Together with these variables CX_WIKI_HELP must also be set to TRUE

If environment variable CX_HELPROOT is defined, the HTML file is saved in

CX_HELP_SYSTEM Selection of the method by which ClassiX tries to communicate with the browser. String, the following values are allowed and are tried in this order until one is successful:


Several values can be listed separated by commas. If the variable is not set, all methods are tried.

Help pages are displayed as HTML pages in the browser. It is the user's responsibility to install and use a browser of his choice. ClassiX can try in different ways to determine the browser set and to cause it to display certain help pages.
  1. SYSTEM: The command to open a specific URL is passed to the operating system
  2. COM: An attempt is made to call up a page via the browser COM interface
  3. DDE: Communication with the browser is attempted via the DDE interface. This only works if the browser is already open.
  4. CMD: The registry is used to search for the executable to the browser and execute it with the URL as parameter.
CX_HIDE_OS_EXCEPTION_REPORT If enabled, prevents the error message of an exception issued by ObjectStore from being displayed in the error window Boolean: 1, TRUE or 0, FALSE or not set
CX_HTTPS_KEY_FILE Path to the file with private key. String, e.g. C:\ssl\server.key Required to start the server for the WebService interface with HTTPS.
CX_HTTPS_CERT_FILE Path to the file containing the server certificate. String, e.g. C:\ssl\server.crt Required to start the server for the WebService interface with HTTPS.
CX_ICONMAPPER Mapping of icon names in InstantView®--Code to names of image files for different variants Default is imageMap.json in the system directory possible values:
- File name, the path to the system directory is added
- complete path, CX_ROOTDIR is substituted

from version

CX_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK Ignores invalid operating system configurations Boolean
Default: FALSE
Is used to run a ClassiX application "exceptionally" on an actually unsupported operating system configuration (e.g. ClassiX 4.5 32-bit on Windows Vista 64-bit). This variable cannot be set in the classix.cfg.
CX_LICENSE_FILE Path to the licence file String, e.g. c:\classix\classix.lic Must always be specified, otherwise the system cannot find a licence file.
Default: DEEP
Controls how KeepGarbage works.
FLAT = Old behaviour: Only the main objects registered with the garbage collection are replaced by auxiliary objects.
DEEP = New behaviour: The main objects and all subobjects (slots, DDI members) are replaced by auxiliary objects.
CX_LOCALE_FILENAME Name of the locale definition file String
Default: "Locales.txt"
Name of the XML file containing the locale definitions The file is searched for in the machine path.
CX_LOGGING_INI Configuration file for logging system File path of the logging.ini file.
Default: %CX_SYSTEM%\logging.ini
file is always searched in the ClassiX® system directory. If the file path is explicitly set - and if it is wrong - NO log file is written to the system directory, but to Standard-Out.
CX_MACRO_LOGGING_THRESHOLD Only log the runtime of macros that ran for at least n seconds Number (in seconds, resolution is 1 second) The logging for the category cx.rqdsp.time must be set to DEBUG
CX_MORPHITE_BACKGROUND Is set if ClassiX was started by the MorphIT launcher. 1 or not set

This variable is set automatically by the launcher and must not be changed manually, otherwise the NodeJS server will refuse the connection.

If this variable is set, then dialogues without a MorphIT connection are completely suppressed and error messages are displayed in MorphIT without detailed information (callstack).

CX_MORPHIT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds for MorphITServerCommand. Number 60000, if the variable is not set.
CX_MORPHITE_ENDPOINT The web socket endpoint to which ClassiX should connect. String Is set automatically by the launcher, or manually. Is required by webService::StartMorphITAutomatically.
CX_MORPHIT_HOST The web socket host to which ClassiX should connect. String
CX_MORPHITE_NONCE String Set by the launcher and used for authentication with the NodeJS server, and must not be set manually.
CX_MORPHITE_PORT The web socket port to which ClassiX should connect. Number Is set automatically by the launcher, or manually. Is required by webService::StartMorphITAutomatically.
CX_MORPHIT_SSL Specifies whether ClassiX should connect via ws:// or wss://. 1, or not set
Disables the check whether ClassiX is running on a terminal server. 1, or not set This means that when starting ClassiX via remote desktop the regular cache size is used instead of CX_TS_CACHE_SIZE.
Reactivates the incomplete implementation of CX_OBJECT_MANAGER::DataFields.OLD, or not setMethod correction detects 26 new data fields as ambiguous (slot&DDI field) and 285 new identifiers as data fields.

The ambiguous data fields are not recognised as input variables in formulas, which is why this correction can be temporarily deactivated.
CX_OOPS_LOG Specifies whether or not the CX-Out-Of-Process should write a log file. 1, or not set The corresponding logger for the CX-OOPS is called log4plus.logger.cx.oops
CX_PATH additional paths in which ClassiX® files are searched String, directory name the directories are separated by semicolon and searched in the order given
CX_PREVENT_BIRT_SERVER Prevents the BIRT server from starting automatically any If you want to prevent the BIRT-Server from starting automatically, you can set the environment variable CX_PREVENT_BIRT_SERVER. The BIRT Server can also be started using the batch file Start_BIRT_Server.bat in the bin directory.
Default: NORMAL
NORMAL: Repeat query in LOW mode if necessary, if the address space is not sufficient
COPY: like NORMAL, at the end copy the result collection internally and return the copy
LOW: Execute the query in the available address space in the best possible way; release the address space again at the end
LOW_COPY: LOW and COPY combined
CX_RELATIVE_WINDOW_POS Using relative Windows coordinates TRUE or FALSE
Default: FALSE
If TRUE, the window coordinates specified in the scripts are interpreted relative to the control window. If FALSE, they are absolute screen coordinates.
CX_REMOTE_TIMEOUT Waiting time in ClassiX until a response timeout for a remote msg is sent. Number Waiting time in seconds.
CX_REPORT_DATA Path to the BIRT data files String, directory name Specifies the path where the birth data files can be found. See the BIRT installation page for more details.

Both ClassiX and Eclipse-BIRT access this environment variable when editing BIRT reports. Therefore, please define this environment variable as Windows environment variable and not in the calling batch file.

CX_REPORT_OUTPUT (from Path to the reports generated by BIRT (for example, in PDF format Directory
Default: %TMP%
This allows you to set where reports are generated by BIRT, for example, if there are problems with permissions on directories. This environment variable does not need to be set. In this case, the reports are automatically stored in the Temp directory.
CX_REPORT_STARTUP Setting a log file for logging the ClassiX initialisation File name In the specified file ClassiX logs the individual steps at startup. If ClassiX does not start and no log file entries are displayed in the normal log file, this setting may help to find the problem.
CX_REPORTS Path to the Birt-Reports Directory(s) One or more paths (separated by ;) to Birt reports
CX_REPORTS_OUT Directory in which new birth reports are created Directory Path to the directory in which new birth reports are stored
CX_RESERVED_FOR_APPS Memory to be reserved for programmes before the cache size is calculated Number, standard: 32 in MBytes
CX_ROOTDIR ClassiX® installation directory String, directory name cannot be set in CLASSIX.INI
If set, re-enables the old CX_SECURITY semantics.
This should only be used as a transitional measure.
1 or not set
CX_SHOW_LOADED_DLLS In the logfile all loaded dlls are logged, which are already loaded directly before the PAR (Persistent Address Range) is defined by ObjectStore. TRUE or FALSE
Default: FALSE
Can be used to investigate address space errors, but should not be set by default, as the ClassiX® start is slightly delayed.
CX_SHOW_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TASKBAR By default, 202491 lists all ClassiX windows in the taskbar. This can be prevented by this environment variable, so that only the control windows of the project are displayed. 1 or 0
Default: 1
CX_SHOW_STACK_ON_ERROR When an error occurs, the error message displays the IV stack valid before the IV command that caused the error. 0 or 1
Default: 0
0 or not set: Stack is not displayed. 1: Stack is displayed.

Collecting and carrying the stack information is time-consuming. Therefore it is switched off by default. In the event of an error, the stack display can be switched on to provide additional information on the occurrence of the error.

Defines how ClassiX should handle source files without BOM car, legacy, utf8

auto - determine encoding by scanning the file (default)

legacy - adopt CP850

utf8 - adopt UTF8


Start stack as JSON array. Used by CX_SYSTEM_OBJECT::Start.
The stack is only loaded if the start option load_start_stack is set.

JSON Array
CX_STRING_USE_OLD_RANK_FUNCTIONUses the old string comparison function for queries, which does not correctly handle upper/lower case for umlauts.1 or 0
Default: 0
1 = Use old comparison function
0 = Use new comparison function
CX_SYNC_SERVER Server url address for synchronisation http://localhost:444
CX_SYNC_SENDER Station identification during synchronisation. This allows the assignment of data for the individual receivers to be defined, e.g. white/blacklist HH
CX_SYSTEM ClassiX® System Directory String
Default: CX_ROOTDIR\system
cannot be set in CLASSIX.INI
CX_SYSTEM_DB Name of the database in which persistent system information (e.g. from classix.dic) is stored.



ClassiX® System-Directory (writing)

Also affects the CX_LOGFILENAME in logging.ini

Default: System\SystemOut
Logfiles and crash dumps are written to this directory. This environment variable cannot be set in CLASSIX.INI.
If log4cplus.OrganizeLogsByDate is set, the logs are organized in subdirectories by date. (/YYYY/MM/DD)
CX_TCP_CONNECTION_IPV4_ONLY Forcing resolution of host names in IPv4 addresses TRUE or FALSE
Default: FALSE
If the variable is set, the CX_TCP_CONNECTION class resolves host names only in IPv4 addresses.
CX_TCP_CONNECTION_READ_TIMEOUT Set the default timeout for read operations. INTEGER
The variable specifies the maximum waiting time for read calls of the CX_TCP_CONNECTION class in milliseconds. This timeout can be adjusted for each individual connection via the DDI field readTimeout.
CX_TRAY_DISABLE Disable tray completely TRUE or FALSE
Default: FALSE
If the variable is set, the logger is also deactivated
CX_TRAY_DISABLE_DRAG_DROP Disable drag and drop support for the tray

Default: FALSE

218020 is the default value for this variable TRUE

If there are problems with the tray, it is recommended to set this variable because the tray reads data from the taskbar memory to ensure dragging. This can cause problems on some systems.

If the variable CX_TRAY_DISABLE is set, CX_TRAY_DISABLE_DRAG_DROP is ignored

CX_TS_CACHE_SIZE Fixed cache size, if ClassiX® runs on a terminal server Number
Default: 64
in MBytes
CX_TXN_LOGGING_THRESHOLD Log only the end of database transactions that had a duration of at least n seconds Number (in seconds, resolution is 1 second) If not set, all transactions are logged. The logging for the category cx.txn must be set to DEBUG
CX_WIKI_HELP Activates the correct path resolution of the F1 help for the Tiki Wiki Possible value: TRUE
Default: FALSE
The CX_HELPROOT environment variables must be set in parallel
CX_WINDOW_STORAGE_SAVE Defines whether and where Windows settings (positions, sizes, column widths, ...) are to be saved. Integer (default: 0) 0: Do not save, 1: Save transient, 2: Save persistent (in the registry)
CX_WINDOW_STORAGE_LOAD Specifies whether Windows settings (positions, sizes, column widths, ...) are to be loaded. TRUE or FALSE
Default: TRUE
If TRUE, existing window/widget settings are loaded from an existing storage when opening a window
Specifies the behaviour to be used when merging Word documents via CX_WORD_XML: :Merge. If 1, the condition fields are also processed (with restrictions) instead of retaining them for processing by the word processing programme.

0 or 1
Default: 0

User Environment Variables

Name Description Value Comment
CX_APP_SCHEDULE_SNIFFER_INTERVALOverwrites the time intervals of the application calendar sniffer.30min
CX_BIN Directory name of the DLLs and .exe files String, e.g. %CX_ROOTDIR%\Bin\%CX_VERSION% see also CX_VERSION
CX_CUSTOMER_NAME (sub-)directory Name of a client/customer within a project e.g. \\ClassiX\Gestin\AppsWH\Gestin\Customer name or also \\\ClassiX\Gestin\Projects\Customer name see also CX_CUSTOMER_DATA, CX_PROJECT_NAME
CX_COUNTRY Country code Number between 0 and 255 for management of location-specific information (Locale)
CX_CUSTOMER_DATA Path of the customer-specific data directory \\ClassiX\customer\AppsWh\customer\data directory Used for import/export of customer specific data, such as transaction descriptions and business processes. (see also CX_CUSTOMER_NAME, CX_PROJECT_NAME)
CX_CYBER_ENTERPRISE Number of the mandate to be used for the automatic login
CX_DEBUG_RCB_QUEUE Debugging of Deadlock Retry String, true or false
Default: false
Lets the log files become considerably larger, therefore only use them for individual clients!
CX_DIALOG_TIMEOUT Defining the time interval for the timeout of dialogues 30s Valid time unit e.g. 10s, 10min, 10h...
CX_DIFF_EDITOR Path to the comparison tool to be used to compare the layout files Full path to comparison tool If the environment variable is not set or points to a comparison tool not known in ClassiX (currently only EXAMDIFF is implemented), the Windows internal standard comparison tool is used ("FC").
CX_FORCE_NONPERS_LOCALES Ignore persistent locales Boolean
Default: FALSE
Forces the use of the "locales.txt" file to load the locale information (see also CX_LOCALE_FILENAME), even if locale information is stored in the database.
from DLL version on without meaning
CX_GHOSTDIR Directory name of the Ghostscript DLLs and .exe e.g. c:\programmes\gs\gs6.53\bin

Printing of PDF files via Ghostscript. You will also need the PDFPrint.bat in the "Projects" directory.

Required to create PDF files via OLE printing (MS Word printing). (See module print.mod macro "PrintToPDF")

Attention: From MS Word 2007 on, it is no longer necessary to convert MS Word itself into the .pdf format!

CX_GLOBAL_FETCH_POLICY Number of memory pages sent as a packet from the server to the client. 1 (=4096Bytes, or size of the page size)) If the number is "0", the whole cluster is transmitted, if it is a negative number in streaming mode.
CX_ITEM_INVENTORY_TAKING_MODE Variable to activate the single capture in Gestin. e.g. 0, 1, false, true etc If this variable is set, single capture is enabled. To deactivate it, the variable must be commented out again or the entire line must be deleted.
CX_LIBODIR Directory name of the LibreOffice DLLs and .exe e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 5\program Conversion of DOCX files to PDF. Required under MorphIT, because MS-Word cannot be called from a service.

If this environment variable is set, the login window is opened immediately after starting a classix application.

In the background there is already the second background window - but still with locked menus and toolbar icons.

any character or not set

When starting a classix application (project or product) a special background window (BeforeLoginWin) is displayed first, in whose menu you can select the login.

This window is intended to allow you to use apps that are already freely accessible before you log in.

After login another background window (ControlWin) is displayed with the application that was actually started.

CX_PRODUCT_EVALUATION Current status of product evaluation Number The variable is only set in the cloud environment if the current product is still in the evaluation phase. If the variable is set to 1, the normal test is still running, if it is set to 2, the extended test has been enabled. If a product is booked or free, this variable is not set.
CX_PROJECT_NAME Name of the ClassiX project or customer from the ClassiX supplier's point of view. e.g. Evaluate, GESTIN or customer name

The directory ..\ClassiX\%CX_PROJECT_NAME%\ contains all subdirectories of the ClassiX system. In addition, the directory appswh\%CX_PROJECT_NAME%\*.* contains the project or customer specific modules. (see also CX_CUSTOMER_NAME, CX_CUSTOMER_DATA)

CX_PROJECT_INITIALS Abbreviation of the ClassiX project or customer from the ClassiX supplier's point of view. e.g. EVA, GST or customer name abbreviation Project or customer-specific derived modules end with this abbreviation _%CX_PROJECT_INITIALS%.mod, e.g. itmcoedt_eva.mod. Project- or customer-specific modules (no derivation from existing modules!) start with this abbreviation, e.g. eva_bottlesOfBeer.mod.
CX_PROJECT File name of the application project. String, e.g. %CX_ROOTDIR%\Projects\evaluate.cxp Within a ClassiX project or a ClassiX system of a customer there can be different application projects/applications, e.g. evaluate.cxp, evaluate_WIP.cxp, evaluate_LOAD.cxp, GESTIN.cxp, etc.
CX_PW Password for automatic login
CX_TEST_E_MAIL If e-mails are sent out of ClassiX via the provider eMail.mod, they are redirected to this e-mail address String (e.g. support at classix.de) Helpful for tests
CX_USER User shortcuts for automatic login with apps via environment variables
CX_WEBSRV_PORT If this environment variable is set, the internal web server of ClassiX is opened with this port by default, see

80 - Standard Http
443 - Standard Https

CX_WEB_PROXY HTTP proxy server String, e.g. " for Internet connections (e.g. for currency table updates or VAT ID number checks), if a proxy server is required.
CX_WEBSRV_SSL Enable the encryption of the HTTP protocol, see
CX_WEBSRV_SHOW_LOG Enables logging of HTTP messages in the Web Service Cockpit Integer when non-zero service is enabled
CX_WEBSRV_STORE_LOGEnables the storing of HTTP messages (requests and reponses) in the CX_SYSTEM_OUT\webService directory.Integer if non-zero Service is enabled
CX_WORD_DOT Path to the document template file for Word (*.dot) String, e.g. %CX_ROOTDIR%\System\classix.dot
CX_REGION Region Code Number, any length for management of location-specific information (Locale)
CX_STATE State code Number between 0 and 255 for management of location-specific information (Locale)
CX_VERSION DLL version to be used in the form Z.Z

String, e.g. %CX_ROOTDIR%\Bin\%CX_VERSION%

For example 4.7 or 5.0

The value should either be set as an environment variable on the computer as a whole or in the project.bat!

HESTIA environmental variables

HESTIA_DESKTOPSet when the scanner is called up in the desktop environment so that the window is not maximised.1 or TRUE
other values are interpreted as FALSE
CX_LOG_STOCK_EXECUTION_STEPSThe individual scanner steps are written to the log fileYES
other values are interpreted as FALSE
If set and =TRUE, environment variables must be set (use FALSE or do not set if you are working on a test system without SAP B1 connection).
CX_SAP_BUSINESS_ONE_LICENSE_SERVER_PORTLicence server port specification
CX_SAP_BUSINESS_ONE_DB_USER_PWDatabase user password
CX_SAP_BUSINESS_ONE_DB_TYPEDatabase type/version6 = MSSQL2008
7 = MSSQL2012
10 = MSSQL20??

ObjectStore environment variables

Name Description (Example) value Comment
OS_SCHEMA_PATH Path to the schema databases of the ClassiX system (*.adb files). These files must physically always be on the same server as the database Path name
OS_AS_SIZE see here


OS_AUTH Authentication type against the ObjectStore server NONE
OS_ENABLE_DECACHE_SOFT_POINTERS_AFTER_AS_RELEASE Specifies whether to release the cache for soft pointers after an address space release. 1

Should only be set if there are major problems with address space. Under 64-Bit it is only a performance brake


The size of the cache can be set (under 64bit) to a maximum of 0x20000000000, i.e. 2TB. Care must be taken to set the cache size to no larger than half the available working memory. The cache size should be set smaller if additional ObjectStore sessions or other memory intensive applications are running at the same time.

It is recommended to set the environment variable CX_CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR (see above) instead, which calculates the cache size as a percentage of the working memory and then dynamically sets the OS_CACHE_SIZE with this value.

0x100000000 e.g. 4GB with a working memory of 8GB
OS_SNDBUF_SIZE Must match the ObjectStore server parameters Preferred Network Receive Buffer Size and Preferred Network Send Buffer Size. See here. 65536

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