


Class hierarchy

The Corba Manager controls the communication via Corba. In addition to sending messages, there are also functions that serve to manage the Corba environment, such as registering Corba names of the local instance and querying the Corba naming service for hanging program instances.

See also: The Corba connection of ClassiX®.

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
CleanupInstance STRING INTEGER Tests whether a named instance responds and, if necessary, deletes it from the naming service.
CleanupRegisteredInstances Attempts to remove hanging instances from the naming service.
DisableRemoteMsg Stops the Corba interface.
EnableRemoteMsg Initialises the Corba interface.
GetMode INTEGER Returns the set CORBA mode
GetName STRING Returns the name under which this instance is registered in the naming service.
GetProject STRING Delivers the current project
GetQueueLength INTEGER Returns the number of remote requests in process
GetTimeout INTEGER Returns the timeout value in seconds
ListObjectsInCurrentProject VECTOR<STRING> Returns the objects in the current project
ListObjectsInProject STRING VECTOR<STRING> Returns the objects in the specified project
RemoteClients VECTOR<STRING> Returns a vector of the instances registered with the naming service.
RemoteServicesAvailable STRING INTEGER Returns whether the Corba interface is in operation.
SendMsg STRING, STRING, STRING INTEGER Sends a message via Corba.
SetDefaultName INTEGER Registers this instance under a schematically generated name in the naming service.
SetName STRING, INTEGER INTEGER Registers the instance under a new name in the naming service.
SetProject STRING, INTEGER Registers the instance in a new project in the naming service
SetTimeout INTEGER Sets the timeout value in seconds
SwitchMode INTEGER Switches the CORBA mode
* MA = Member Access function,
grey background = inherited function

Last modified: 2006-12-19