
CX_CONDITIONED_BAG::Pick via access print

CX_CONDITIONED_BAG::Pick via access print


In contrast to the Pick function, a conditional object table can be evaluated via an access expression. When evaluating, the first object whose condition is fulfilled is returned and can supply the data addressed via the access expression. If no condition is fulfilled, the function returns NULL or aborts with an error message if the flags CF_COMPULSORY and CF_REPORT are set. All subsequent entries whose condition is also fulfilled are ignored . The Query function exists to process such entries.

Code example:

In dem folgenden Beispiel wird in einem Oberflächenobjekt vom Typ String
der Vorname einer Person angezeigt, deren Bedingung, an die sie gebunden
ist, erfüllt ist:

  String(CX_CONDITIONED_BAG::this->firstName, 10, 10, 180)