


FillObox(windowID, oboxID), FillObox(, oboxID), FillObox

parameters: Identifier of a Windows and an object box

This operation fills items into a list widget. It does not check whether the elements are already contained in the widget. If a sort order has been defined for the list before insertion (SetSort & Sort), then the new elements are also inserted into the list in sorted order.
For performance reasons, when inserting entire collections or vectors, the elements are inserted into the list unsorted and the list is then sorted by and when inserting individual elements, the elements are inserted sorted.

When inserting many objects in an iterate loop, it is always better from a performance point of view to collect the objects in a collection/vector and then call FillObox with the collection/vector instead of calling FillObox with the individual objects within the iterate. The second variant is a good 20 times faster for several thousand objects (depending on the use case), because when inserting an entire collection the system also has more room for optimisation in the form of caching and knows in advance how many elements will be inserted.

The evaluation of the formats of the filled ObjectBox is normally done synchronously in the call of FillObox. The exception to this is the ObjectListView, which only evaluates formats (asynchronously) when the rows become visible (e.g. by scrolling). Because of the asynchronous evaluation, care should be taken that ListView formats do not rely on a system state(plug space, unit tables) as it was set at the time of FillObox. Synchronous evaluation of the ListView can be forced via RetrieveData (after FillObox).

Call forms

Stack Description
Stack(In) a collection
Stack(Out) -

Selected data of each object contained in the collection appears as a list box entry (example), provided parameters exist for the class of this object (see SetFormat). The order of the list box lines can be determined with SetSort.

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top Index path
Top 1 a collection
Stack(Out) Top TRUE or FALSE

Here the sort order in the list box is determined by an index path, which is brought to the stack top with the IndexPath statement(example).

Stack Description
Stack(In) one object
Stack(Out) -

Selected data of the object lying on the stack appear as a list box entry (example) if parameters exist for the class of this object (see SetFormat).
This also applies to objects with collection properties (CX_QSORT, CX_SUM_AMOUNT, CX_VECTOR_AMOUNT, CX_WIDGET, ...). Only if no display parameters exist for this class, the elements of the named objects are displayed(example).

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top ]
Top 1 Object On
top 2 Object On-1
. . . . . .
Top-n Object O1
Top n-1 [
Stack(Out) -

Selected data of the objects lying on the stack appear as a list box entry (example), if parameters exist for the class of this object (see SetFormat).

Note: With this form, objects selected in one object box can be shown in another object box(example).
Only valid objects are included unless the validity check is disabled or the LIST_INVALID flag is set.
Interactively selected objects can be obtained with GetObject The number of objects currently displayed by an object box can be queried with Cardinality.