


Class hierarchy

The licence manager is used to manage and check the ClassiX® licence of the running instance. It can also be used to create new licences and to request information on the licence of the current instance. It can be accessed via


can be accessed.

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
GetLicensee STRING Delivers the licensee of the current licence.
GetExpiryDate STRING Returns the expiry date of the license as a string or an empty string if no expiry date is available.
GetHardwareRestriction STRING Returns the Hardware ID that restricts the licence to a specific computer or an empty string in case of no restriction.
GetDatabaseRestriction INTEGER Returns TRUE if a database restriction exists, FALSE otherwise.
GetConcurrentUsersRestriction INTEGER Returns the maximum number of concurrent users if there is a restriction, otherwise 0.
GetVersionRestriction STRING Returns the version number, which is maximum allowed or an empty string with no limitation.
GetSerialNumber STRING Returns the serial number of the licence. Used only to manage licences (i.e. the protection mechanism is not based on this number).
CreateLicenseFile STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING Creates a new licence file.

* MA = Member Access function,
grey background = inherited function