
Start of the ClassiX® system

Start of the ClassiX® system

Five phases at the start of the ClassiX® system:

  1. Initialisation of the object manager( readCLASSIX.INI )
  2. Read InstantView® source and open StartUp-Window
  3. Opening the database
  4. Read in locale-information
  5. Read in user-defined units
  6. Send INITIALIZE to modules
  7. The start window of the application appears

All processes are recorded in the logbook.

First the CLASSIX.INI is loaded together with all include files. Then the individual sections and statements are evaluated according to a fixed scheme, i.e. the order in the CLASSIX.INI is not important.

The Metainfo section is introduced by the word "Metainfo". Since there is no closing indicator, this section must be the last one in CLASSIX.INI.

These instructions are now evaluated one after the other:

Instruction Meaning
ENVIRONMENT Set environment variables
Database Information on physical database files
Segment Details of the database layout
Storage Details of the database layout
File Details of the database layout
AutoLayer Details of the database layout
Class, PseudoClass Classes
IndexCopy Indexing settings
DLLs External DLLs
Profiles - (obsolete)
Help Path to help files
Icon Path to Icons
WinEditor Editor for AppsWH modules
SystemDB Storage location for persistent metadata
Explorer Information about Internet Explorer

Then ObjectStore is initialised and the SystemDB statement is executed (if available): The database is opened in read-only mode and the metadata is read in. The metadata from the database replaces the data from CLASSIX.INI.

In the next step, the class information is further processed and the external DLLs are loaded and initialised.

The interpretation of CLASSIX.INI is completed with the evaluation of the "Dictionary" section. This step is skipped if the metadata for the dictionary (slots etc.) have been read out of the SystemDB.

Now begins the part where the .CXP file is used to further initialize the machine:

  • The start window is displayed
  • Databases are opened and the segments are read out
  • Locales are loaded and initialised
  • Unit table is initialised
  • The GLOBAL module is sent the message INITIALIZE
  • The start window is closed

The machine is now fully initialized and waits for user input.