


WrapObject(DESCRIPTIVE), WrapObject(OVERWRITE), WrapObject(CONDITIONED), WrapObject

parameters: DESCRIPTIVE, OVERWRITE or CONDITIONED, default assumption is DESCRIPTIVE

Stack Description
Stack(In) one object
Stack(Out) the 'wrapped' object

creates an object of class CX_DESCRIPTIVE_REF (for parameter DESCRIPTIVE), class CX_OVERWRITING_REF (parameter OVERWRITE) or class CX_COND_WRAPPER (for parameter CONDITIONED) and allows this object to refer to the object from the stack top.

A conditioned wrapper created in this way contains the object with the condition "" (empty string). Further objects can be added using the built-in conditioned bag. Afterwards the conditions should be modified or the order should be changed, otherwise only the first one will be returned with each access.