


parameters: name of the manager

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top -
Stack(Out) Top Manager object

In the ClassiX® system there are some manager objects whose functions can be called with Call. With the instruction GetManager(managerName) the corresponding manager object on the stack is obtained.

The following names are allowed as parameters:

Parameters you get ...
AS the AS Manager
AUDIT the Audit Manager
COM the manager for COM objects
CORBA the Corbamanager
COUNTER the Counter Manager
GARAGE the Garbage Manager
GUIthe Surface Manager
INDEX the Index Manager
LICENSE the license manager
LOOSE_REF the manager for CX_LOOSE_REF objects
OBJECT the object manager
PHONE the Phone Manager
PRESENTATION the Presentation Manager 169434
PRINTER the Printer Manager
PROFILES the Profile Manager
QUERY the Query Manager
SYSTEM the system object
TRACE the Function-Trace-Manager
TEST internal test manager
TRANSACTION the Transaction Manager 171449
REMOTE the remote manager
WEB_SERVICE the WebService Manager 158269

AS Manager

Under 32-bit the ClassiX system has to take care of the release of address space - so that a processing does not abort with the error "Address Space Overflow".
This takes time, and is especially necessary with large amounts of data. For customers with small databases, AS release is superfluous.
But also for customers with large amounts of data, the application is important.
And there are different levels of AS release (see below).

Memory requirement 25% (very slow) - AS enable wherever possible. Some processing operations can only be carried out in this way.
Memory requirement 50% (slow) - slightly less AS release
Memory requirement 75% (fast) - even less AS release
Memory requirements (100%) (very fast) - the ClassiX system does not care about address space, advantage: the optimal speed

Name Parameters Return value
SetMode INT VOID For the mode there are the values 0, 1, 2, and 3

0 - AS Handling with:

(a) a second thread monitors the status of the AS and triggers release if the existing AS falls below a certain value
b) before calling complex model functions (GetProcessed, DataCube, DataCubeCore) AS is released
(c) in methods where successors / predictors are prosecuted, AS is released
d) InstantView instructions that only read in the database can be repeated after ObjectStore has detected an AS overflow.
Before the repetition, AS is of course enabled.

1 - only c) and d)

2 - only d)

3 - AS Handling is switched off


Audit Manager

Name Parameters Return value
Activate activates the audit manager
Deactivate disables the audit manager
SetMessage InstantView® message - Register message, which informs about changed objects

COM Manager

Name Parameters Return value
ReleaseAll Releases all references to Running COM objects. All Running COM objects that are not referenced elsewhere (e.g. widget) are automatically deleted by the operating system.
MaxObjectsToKeep INTEGER Maximum number of references of Running COM objects that are kept. If this number is exceeded during the internal notation of new objects, the least recently used (LRU) is dereferenced.
SetMaxObjectsToKeep INTEGER - (see above:) Sets the number.
DisplayObjects VECTOR All managed Running-COM objects are returned
GetToolObject COM-OBJECT OBJECT From a COM-OBJECT, e.g. a Word text, a so-called tool object is derived and returned. Commands of the Word IDispatch interface can be passed to the tool object via Call(), whereby the original COM object can be manipulated.
GetDesignMode 0 or 1 returns 1 if ClassiX® behaves like an OCX development tool. Only in design mode certain changes can be made to controls; if these require a special developer license
SetDesignMode 0 or 1 - The respective mode is used the next time a widget is created with CreateControl.
SetDesignMode can also be called up directly on a control widget. This is necessary with a special variant (e.g. SetNetronicDesignMode) for controls from certain manufacturers, since otherwise correct licensing is not possible.

Counter manager

Name Parameters Return value
GetCounter Name CX_COUNTER the counter-object; if not already existing, a new counter is created

Query Manager

Name Parameters Return value
GetCachedQueries -
all queries held by the system
CollectionContains Name of a collection, name of a class - Collection contains objects of the specified class (so a cast can be
os_Collection<Klasse *>&
be constructed)
ShowExplicitCasts -
all information registered with CollectionContains
GetQueryFunctions -
all query functions registered in the ClassiX® system at ObjectStore
SetCacheSize INT - Sets the size of the cache (default: 50)
GetCacheSize - INT Returns the maximum size of the cache (i.e. as many queries can be cached; this is not necessarily the number of queries just cached!)
ClearCache - - Empties the cache

Functions of the Transaction Manager

Functions of the object manager

Functions of the system object

Functions of the WebService Manager