



This function returns all successors whose TopTransaction belongs to a specific class. This class can be specified via the first STRING parameter. The first INTEGER-parameter ("inherited") controls whether successors are also to be taken into account whose TopTransaction are of a class derived from the specified class. The second INTEGER-parameter ("maxLevel") controls how far the successor chain is followed at most.

The following two calls are essentially identical in their semantics:

Get(SuccessorsOfTopType("CX_SALES_ORDER", FALSE, 0xFFFFFFFF))

Get(SuccessorsByCondition("type(TopTransaction())=CX_SALES_ORDER", 1))

SuccessorsOfTopType thus also searches the subTransactions (see mode 0 for SuccessorsByCondition), but does not add any TopTransactions itself.

See also: PredecessorsOfTopType

Code example:
FString(NONE::call(GetSalesOrder).uniqueID, NO_PRINT, TOOLTIP("Nach Auftrag suchen", "Search by sales order"), 490, 10, 90, "000000", "000000") [ SELECT: Var(nr) GetValue -> nr nr Integer ifnot return ClearObox(, ListBox) [ "uniqueID" ] SetSort(, ListBox) BeginTXN(READ) CX_PURCAHSE_ORDER // Klassenname 0 // Ableitungen berücksichtigen 1 // zu durch suchende Tiefe nr "uniqueID = %s" FindFirst(CX_SALES_ORDER) Dup ifnot { Drop return } // Transaktion Call(SuccessorsOfTopType) iterate { Get(TopTransaction()) UpdateObox(, ListBox) } ]
Stack Position Object type Brief description
Stack(In) Top CX_TRANSACTION A transaction
Top 1 INTEGER Up to which depth the objects are collected
top 2 INTEGERTRUE or FALSE whether objects of derived type are also collected.
top 3 STRING Class name of the objects to be collected
Stack(Out) Top COLLECTION Successor
Function call: Call(SuccessorsOfTopType)