



A new object of the type CX_ALLOCATION_TXN is generated and inserted at the transferred target object (see mode). Furthermore, the function performs the following tasks:

  • A reference to the calling CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION object is formed ( If no object is allocated (CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION::object NULL), the function is terminated, i.e. this CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION is read over).
  • The quantities are taken over. The following applies: a) If CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION::baseAmount NULL and CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION::amount NULL, this position is also read over, unless CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION::singleAllocationEnum(6) is set. b) If CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION::amount NULL or CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION::TestZero() == TRUE, then this position is read over if CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION::singleAllocationEnum(0) ("Read over zero quantity/zero piece time") is set.
  • The resolution path is set (CX_ALLOCATION_TXN::resolvePath)
  • If registered, messages are sent to control the further process (see CX_ALLOCATION::SetPreMessage) and wait for the corresponding response.
  • The resolution is followed up unless CX_SINGLE_ALLOCATION::singleAllocationEnum(2) ("Cyclic Allocation") is set (or externally the returned message (see above) ended with FALSE).
Code example:
siehe Code Beispiel bei CX_BILL_OF_MATERIAL::ResolveNew()
Stack Position Object type Brief description
Stack(In) Top CX_ALLOCATION Allocation to be resolved
Top 1 INTEGERMode (see also at CX_SET_ALLOCATION).
Bit 0 = 0: add new allocation to the end of the CX_ALLOCATION_TXN::subTransactions table.
Bit 0 = 1: add new allocation as the first element of the CX_ALLOCATION_TXN::subTransactions table.
Bit 1 = 1: 'object' is copied to CX_ALLOCATION_TXN::object and the backreference is set.
top 2 STRING Resolution path
top 3 CX_ALLOCATION_TXN Target transaction object
top 4 CX_VALUE Factor
Function call: Call(ResolveNew)