



This function searches for all data cubes that are within a certain time period. The data cubes must be structured hierarchically as described in CX_MONITOR (see CX_LOG_CUBE objects with CX_SPAN_DATE dimensions): starting from an object of the type CX_MONITOR, according to the model, directly below this object within its subMonitors collection there are only objects of the type CX_LOG_CUBE or CX_DATA_CUBE, which have a CX_SPAN_DATE object with a year specification as the only further dimension. Each of these objects in turn has objects of the type CX_LOG_CUBE or CX_DATA_CUBE within its submonitor collection, which have a CX_SPAN_DATE object with a month specification as the only additional dimension.

The CX_SPAN_DATEs passed by parameter can only have the granularity year or month, and they must both have the same granularity, e.g. "2004" or "January 2004".

Code example

CreateTransObject(CX_SPAN_DATE) -> sp
"2004" sp Put
sp sp 0 monitor Call(PeriodDataCubes)

Stack Position Object type Brief description
Stack(In) Top CX_DATA_CUBE Monitor
Top 1 INTEGER Flags:
bit 0: if set, the system tries to return yearly data cubes instead of monthly data cubes
top 2 CX_SPAN_DATE End of period
top 3 CX_SPAN_DATE Start of period
Stack(Out) Top COLLECTION Result
Function call: Call(PeriodDataCubes)