


Class hierarchy

Objects of this type are returned by CX_MODULE։։ReportMessages and CX_WIDGET։։ReportMessages and represent the sender/receiver information for each message.

The list ofreceivers or sendersof this message is set in the DDI. Only one of these lists is ever set (depending on the parameter passed for ReportMessages).

Code example:
List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
GetName STRING Name of the message

Returns a bitmap to represent the message.
The bitmap changes for overwritten messages.

* MA = Member Access Function,
greyed out = inherited function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
receiver COLLECTION CX_MSG_RECEIVER Receiver of this message (modules / widgets)
broadcaster COLLECTION CX_VESSEL Sender of this message (statements)

* I = Indexable data field,
greyed out = inherited data field

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description