


Class hierarchy

Terms and conditions are accompanying data/data/information.
The most common are, for example, payment or delivery terms, but also.
Billing address, reminder recipient, packaging instructions or costs.
fall under this heading. Also manufacturing instructions, work instructions or
internal implementation rules can also be regarded as (marginal) conditions.
can be considered.

The main characteristics of such conditions or agreements are:

1. they may be defined at different levels. Agreements
can, for example, be defined at the level of a single order, generally for a single
customers or generally for all customers.

> CX_BUSINESS_OBJECT holds data field CX_GENERAL_TERMS* generalTerms
This makes it possible to define different or the same terms for different business objects. Business objects different or same
conditions for different business objects. Of course, it is still possible to assign
directly, i.e. without adding a CX_GENERAL_TERMS object data.

2. a general agreement can be modified for a specific case.
be changed. For example, in the case of a special order, a different delivery condition is
than would otherwise apply generally to all orders.
Nevertheless, all other terms (payment term, shipping method, etc.) are
also apply unchanged to this special order.

> Successive search for an information necessary. CX_CONDITION tries
for all its own dynamic data fields (slots) to find the information it is looking for.
for all its own dynamic data fields (slots) - also by passing it on to these objects -, CX_GENERAL_TERMS searches through
also the list conditions.
CX_CONDITION/CX_GENERAL_TERMS overload GetDataField, PlugSlot for this, whereas.
CX_BUSINESS_OBJECT does this only because of the function Condition().
With CX_CONDITION/CX_GENERAL_TERMS one can use any function/data field
if nothing is found, invalid returns. (From IV
Distinction between 0 and invalid necessary !)

A data field/access expression/object can be called in three different ways as an
processable information in three different ways:

1. the name directly defines the information
(e.g. itemPrice)
2. information in the object defines the information
(e.g. classID == IDX_PAYMENT_CONDITION && enum = 3).
3. a wrapper holds the information by means of a data field
(e.g. addressTypeEnum = 2 -> deliveryAddress; bit patterns also possible).

Fetch the information (function CX_BUSINESS_OBJECT::Condition() ?).
to 1. GetData however should be searched further in the PlugSpace !!!
to 2. query via formula and via search in PlugSpace
to 3. can be treated like 2.

A delivery address is specified by sending it either directly to
a POINTER slot "deliveryAddress", or via a DESCRIPTIVE
or OVERWRITING reference with (addressTypeEnum & DELIVERY_ADDRESS).

A payment instruction is specified by using a POINTER
slot "payment", or via a DESCRIPTIVE or OVERWRITING
reference in which the slot "paymentTypeEnum" occurs, or
the referenced object is of type CX_PAYMENT_CONDITION.

CX_CLASS* CX_BUSINESS_OBJECT::Condition(short _classID).
CX_CLASS* CX_BUSINESS_OBJECT::Condition(char* _name)


Examples of classes derived from CX_CONDITION as pseudo-classes:

Payment condition CX_PAYMENT_CONDITION

Code example:
List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
SanityCheck INTEGERCheck for consistency of the object
ClassFilter STRING, INTEGER OBJECT This object, if it corresponds to a particular class
Deleted INTEGERObject marked as deleted?
Description STRING Name of this object
GetDomain INTEGERDomain of this object
GetSiblings COLLECTION All siblings of this object
GetSiblings2 COLLECTION All siblings of this object
GetSlotEntries VECTOR<OBJECT> Return of internal information on slots
LastUpdate OBJECT Date of the last write access
LastUser INTEGERUser who last had write access to the object
Link OBJECT Add this object to the list of objects with validity
NextValidObject OBJECT Temporally subsequent validity object
PreviousValidObject OBJECT Temporally preceding validity object
RestrictedValidity * Validity range restricted?
SetDomain INTEGER, INTEGER Set domain
ShortName STRING Short name of this object
Siblings * Objects with validity
SpanDateValidity * Validity range
string INTEGER CX_STRING Returns the string representation of the object
UniqueID STRING Content of the fixed data field "uniqueID".
Unlink Remove this object from the list of objects with validity
Unlink2 Remove this object from the list of objects with validity
Valid OBJECT INTEGERCheck validity
ValidSince OBJECT Start of the validity range
ValidToday INTEGERValid today?
ValidUntil OBJECT End of the validity range
VerifySiblings INTEGERCheck ring of exchange objects

* MA = member access function,
greyed out = inherited function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
uniqueID STRING * Unique key
validity POINTER CX_VALIDITY Validity period of the object

* I = Indexable data field,
greyed out = inherited data field.

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description
objterms.mod Conditions basic module
objtecus.mod Customer conditions Editing module
objtesup.mod Supplier conditions editing module