



This class function sets the domain of the object. A set bit indicates the membership in a domain. The mode specifies how the domain is to be set:

Mode Description
0 Take over domain
1 Add domain bits to your own (OR operation)
2 Delete domain bits from your own domain (AND-NOT link)
Code example:
CreatePersObject(CX_PERSON) -> obj
// Assumed domain: 1

4 0 obj Call(SetDomain)
// Domain becomes 4

1 1 obj Call(SetDomain)
// Domain becomes 5  (4 OR 1 = 5)

4 2 obj Call(SetDomain)
// Domain becomes 1  (5 AND (NOT 4) = 1)

Stack Position Object type Brief description
Stack(In) Top CX_EXPANDABLE Object whose domain is to be set
Top 1 INTEGER Mode
top 2 INTEGER domain
Stack(Out) Top - -
Function call: Call(SetDomain)