


From the result files of osverifydb the relevant information must be filtered out in a post-processing step.
The program cxVerifyAnalyzer.exe reads all result files (osverifydb Output) in a folder and writes an overview with relevant error messages into an output file.

Why do we even distinguish between relevant error messages and others that are ignored?

  1. osverifydb.exe does not know the database schema of ClassiX Many collections cannot be checked completely. This is the biggest part of uninteresting error messages.
    You can also call the functionality of osverifydb from the ClassiX system.
    Then such false reports never appeared.
    We do not use this because the Fast Mode does not work!
  2. Further error messages arise from an intended construction in ClassiX, in connection with the CX_DESCRIPTIVE_REF, CX_OVERWRITING_REF objects (contradiction object reference - database schema).


cxVerifyAnalyze source_files_path result_file [ name_pattern ]

Parameters Meaning Optional
source_files_path Path to the folder with output files from osverifydb
result_file Path to result file
name_pattern from the folder specified in the first parameter, only those files are read which correspond to the naming scheme x

Call example:

cxVerifyAnalyzer.exe c:\classix\Evaluate\VerifyOutput c:\classix\Evaluate\VerifyOutput\summary.log osverifydb

reads all files c:\classix\Evaluate\VerifyOutput\osverifydb_0001.log, c:\classix\Evaluate\VerifyOutput\osverifydb_0002.log, ... The result is summary.log.