
FillObox Beispiele

Beispiel 1

CreatePersObject(CX_SUM_AMOUNT) -> object // create sum amount object with ... 1.25m CopyPersObject object Call(Insert) // 4 elements 124.4mm CopyPersObject object Call(Insert) 61.25cm CopyPersObject object Call(Insert) 0.001km CopyPersObject object Call(Insert) object FillObox(, master) object FillObox(, elements); Window(win, ... ) { ObjectList(master, 3, 3, 1, 28) [ INITIALIZE: [ "CX_VECTOR_AMOUNT::this" COLOR BLUE ] SetFormat ] ObjectList(elements, 3, 31, 1, 1) [ INITIALIZE: [ "CX_VALUE::this" COLOR RED ] SetFormat ] Attach(master, RIGHT, STRETCH, 3) Attach(elements, RIGHT, STRETCH, 3) Attach(elements, BOTTOM, STRETCH, 3) }


Beispiel 2

Var(qsort, coll) CopyTransObject (CX_QSORT) -> qsort // create the tool object [ "name" "firstName" ] qsort Call(SetPaths) // provide sorting criteria FindAll(CX_PERSON) qsort Call(Sort) // sort all person-objects according to name qsort FillObox(win, persons) // show sorted elements qsort FillObox(win, tools) // show the tool object itself . . . Window(win, ... ) { ObjectListView(persons, ... ) [ "CX_PERSON::this" SetFormat ] ObjectListView(tools, ... ) [ "CX_QSORT::this" SetFormat "CX_ASCII_FILE::this" SetFormat ] }