
CX_LOCALE - Region-specific data


Class hierarchy
Description:(Business Pattern)

A region locale is used to manage all region-specific information. A "region" is any small geographical or administrative space, whereby a region can be subordinate not only to a state but also to another region, so that there is no limit to the nesting depth of locales.

Thus, a refinement of regions can be carried out down to parts of a company. An example of this is the definition of working days, which can vary depending on the division of a company. While in production, Saturdays and Sundays may be worked on Saturdays and Sundays, and these days are therefore considered working days, Saturdays and Sundays may be considered non-working days in administration.

The definition of the locale information is described here.

By default, most of the information is undefined, so when this data is accessed, the values of the parent locale are returned. In addition to this, public holidays can also be defined for a region.

Code example:
Combo(CX_LOCALE::DateSeparatorMA()~DateSeparator, HELP(10151), 280, 20, 55, 25, "classix.num~DateSeparators") [ SELECT:NON_CURRENT: systemLocale DrainWindow(, DateSeparator) ] ObjectList(RegionBox1, 420, 20, 200, 45) [ INITIALIZE: [ "CX_LOCALE::name" 0 ] SetFormat 0 SetSort SELECT: ClearObox(, RegionBox2) GetObjectsSelected Dup -> actLocale Get(sublocales) FillObox(, RegionBox2) actLocale SystemObject Call(SetLocaleByObject) SendMsg(REFRESH_LOCALE_INFO) //des übergeordneten Landes  ]

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
AllHolidays/AllHolidayObjects (OBJECT, OBJECT, INTEGER) COLL delivers all holidays in one period
BaseCentury INTEGER provides current century
BaseCenturyMA * Current century input/output
CodeMap INTEGER get the codepage
CodeMapMA * Codepage input/output
Country STRING get the country name
CountryCode INTEGER get a country code
CountryCodeMA * the country code input/output
CountryMA * Country name input/output
CurrencyUnitPrecedes INTEGER Shows by means of a truth value whether a currency unit should be displayed before the value or after the value. If the value is 1, the unit is displayed before the value.
CurrencyUnitPrecedesMA * Position of a currency unit input/output.
CurrencyUnitSeparation INTEGER Shows by means of a truth value whether a space should be displayed between a currency unit and the value (no matter in which order).
CurrencyUnitSeparationMA * Space between a currency unit input/output
DateFormat INTEGER returns the current date format
DateFormatMA * Date format input/output
DateSeparator STRING get the separator for a date
DateSeparatorMA * Separator for a date input/output
DecimalSeparator STRING get the separator for decimal numbers
DecimalSeparatorMA * Separator for decimal numbers input/output
DiallingPrefix STRING - obsolete/ deprecated -
DiallingPrefixMA * - obsolete/ deprecated -
EndTimeZone INTEGER provides the end time zone of the country in minutes off the CET
EndTimeZoneMA * End time zone of the country Input/output
FirstDayOfWeek INTEGER delivers the first day of the week
FirstDayOfWeekMA * First day of the week Input/output
FractionSeparator STRING provides the separator for numerator and denominator for fractions
FractionSeparatorMA * Separator for numerator and denominator for fractions input/output
Grouping STRING returns the formatting character that indicates after how many digits a thousand separator is inserted in a number
GroupingMA * Formatting characters for thousands separator into a number Input/output
Holidays COLLECTION get all CX_HOLIDAY objects
InsertHoliday insert a new holiday
IntCurrencySymbol STRING provides the international currency symbol
IntCurrencySymbolMA * International currency symbol Input/output
IsAnniversary (OBJECT) INTEGER tests whether a day is a commemoration day
IsDateType (OBJECT, INTEGER) INTEGER tests whether a date is a special day off
IsHoliday (OBJECT) INTEGER tests whether a day is a public holiday
IsTerm (OBJECT) INTEGER tests whether a day is an appointment
IsVacation (OBJECT) INTEGER tests whether a day is a holiday
Language MLSTRING get the name of the language as multiple string
LanguageMA * Name of the language Input/Output
LanguagePos INTEGER returns the system number of the national language
LanguagePosMA * System number of the national language Input/output
LocaleCode STRING get the abbreviation of the country name
LocaleCodeMA * Abbreviation of the country name Input/output
LocaleName STRING current local name ( country name)
MLLocaleName MLSTRING current local name (country name) as multilingual text
MLSpecialNameOfDay INTEGER, CX_DATE MLSTRING Returns certain multilingual (holiday) names of the day of a date
NegativeSign STRING returns the minus sign
NegativeSignMA * Minus sign input/output
NegSignPrecedes INTEGER Shows with the help of a truth value whether the minus sign precedes the number. If not, it is behind the number.
NegSignPrecedesMA * the position of the minus sign input/output
NegSpaceSeparation INTEGER Shows with the help of a truth value whether there should be a space between the sign and the number
NegSpaceSeparationMA * a space between the sign and the number Input/Output
NonCurrencyUnitPrecedes INTEGER Shows by means of a truth value whether a non-currency unit should be displayed before or after the value of a CX_VALUE. If the value is 1, the unit is displayed before the value.
NonCurrencyUnitPrecedesMA * Position of a non-currency unit of a CX_VALUE. Input/output.
NonCurrencyUnitSeparation INTEGER Shows with the help of a truth value whether a space should be displayed between a non-currency unit and the value (in whatever order) of a CX_VALUE.
NonCurrencyUnitSeparationMA * Controls spaces between the value and a non-currency unit of a CX_VALUE
NumPrecision INTEGER returns the number of decimal places
NumPrecisionMA * Number of decimal places input/output
PathOfLocale COLL the complete path of a locale
PositiveSign STRING get the plus sign
PositiveSignMA * Plus sign input/output
PosSignPrecede INTEGER Shows with the help of a truth value whether the plus sign comes before the number. If not, it is behind the number.
PosSignPrecedesMA * the position of the plus sign input/output
PosSpaceSeparation INTEGER Shows with the help of a truth value whether there should be a space between the sign and the number
PosSpaceSeparationMA * a space between the sign and the number Input/Output
RawHolidays COLL delivers all holidays
SpecialNameOfDay (OBJECT, INTEGER) STRING get a specific multilingual (holiday) name of the day of a date
SpecialMLNameOfDay (OBJECT, INTEGER) MLSTRING get a specific multilingual (holiday) name of the day of a date
SummerWinterChangeDayDescription INTEGER provides the day of the week when the changeover from summer to winter time takes place
ThousandsSeparator STRING get the separator for thousands of characters
ThousandsSeparatorMA * Separator for thousands of characters Input/output
TimeFormat INTEGER get the time format
TimeFormatMA * Time format input/output
TimeSeparator STRING get the separator for a time specification
TimeSeparatorMA * Separator for a time input/output
TimeZone INTEGER returns the start time zone of the country in minute deviation from the CET
TimeZoneMA * Start time zone of the country in minute deviation from the CET input/output
UnknownPartOfDate STRING returns the character for unknown parts of an incomplete date
UnknownPartOfDateMA * Character for unknown components of an incomplete date Input/output
WinterSummerChangeDayDescription INTEGER provides the day of the week when the changeover from winter to summer time takes place
WorkingDays INTEGER provides the working days of the country
WorkingDaysMA * Working days of the country Input/output
NewHoliday CX_HOLIDAY A new holiday is created and the locale object is added.
RemoveHoliday CX_HOLIDAY A public holiday is deleted
SortedHolidays INTEGER, INTEGER COLL Returns all holidays in the following order
string INTEGER CX_STRING Returns the string representation of the object
SummerWinterChangeDate INTEGER provides the month in which the changeover from summer to winter time takes place
SummerWinterChangeTime STRING provides the changeover time from summer to winter time
WinterSummerChangeDate INTEGER provides the month in which the changeover from winter to summer time takes place
WinterSummerChangeTime STRING provides the changeover time from winter to summer time

* MA = Member Access Function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
workingDays CHAR working days of the federal state:
0 = undefined,
1 = Monday,
2 = Tuesday,
4 = Wednesday,
8 = Thursday,
16 = Friday,
32 = Saturday,
64 = Sunday
countryCode CHAR Country code of the superordinate country
languagePos CHAR System number of the regional language
language MULTIPLE_STRING Name of the language within the region as multiple string
timeZone SHORT Time zone in which the region is located
sysLocale STRING Locale of the C-Standard Lib.
name MULTIPLE_STRING Name of region
regionCode STRING Region code
upperLocale POINTER CX_CLASS superordinate locale
stateCode CHAR Federal state code of the superordinate federal state
accessCode STRING Own telephone number in international format; unknown parts are simply left out, i.e. for a country only the country code would be present (e.g. +49- )
dialingTone STRING Code to get an outside line; usually a 0 for telephone systems
maxLengthOfExtension SHORT Maximum length of the extension number in your own company; e.g. for two-digit extensions, a 2
sublocales COLL CX_CLASS subordinate locale
holidays POINTER CX_HOLIDAYS assigned holiday and holiday definitions

* I = Indexable data field

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description
locales.mod Location-specific data Editing module
setlocal.mod Location selection basic module
wrldclck.mod World clock basic module