



Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top a
Top 1 b
Stack(Out) Top b
Top 1 a

swaps the two values lying on Stack-Top and Stack-Top-1


// Put the object on the stack und duplicate it. The stack is now: object object
object Dup
// Copy the approved date of the stack top object and check if it is there. Leave result on stack
Copy(approved.date) if 1 else 0
// The stack is now: object 0
// Now bring the object on the stack top to check the next date:
// The stack is now: 0 object
// Check the released date and leave the result on stack again
Copy(released.date) if 1 else 0
// The stack is now: 0 0
// Compare with OR operand and show attention, if no date was found:
| ifnot { T("Objekt nicht freigegeben!", "Object not released yet!") Attention(AbortTXN) cancel