


Right(fmtString, flags), Right(fmtString), Right(STACK, flags), Right(STACK), Right(, flags), Right

parameters: format string for sprintf, flags for ViewExport

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top any
Top 1 n
Stack(Out) Top (Partial) character string

As with the String statement, any data from the stack top is transformed into a character string, from which a substring containing the last n characters (counted from the right) is then formed. This appears as the result of the operation on the stack-top.

For n ≤ -1 Right is defined as all characters from the right except the first n characters. In other words:
Right(-n) = Right(Cardinality - n)

5 "1234567890" Right // -> "67890"

(-2) "1234567890" Right  // -> "34567890"  (== 8 "..." Right)

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