



Resize(windowID, childID), Resize(windowID), Resize(, childID), Resize

parameters: Identifier of a Windows and a child Windows object

Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top Height
Top 1 Width
Stack(Out) Top -

The size of the window object is adjusted to the new height/width. The size is always specified in minicells, just like when defining the window objects. Exceptions are toplevel windows, because Minicells make little sense outside a window and pixels are more suitable for positioning windows.

This command is symmetrical to GetSize . With Resize you can also resize widgets that do not have a height specification (e.g. String). These widgets are often positioned exactly on the pixel, so that a GetSize Resize changes the height of the widget anyway due to the inaccuracy of the minicells. Widgets whose width/height is defined by a STRETCH-attachment cannot be changed by resizing in the attached dimension.

After a widget has been resized, the attachments of the parent widget will be re-evaluated and the window will be redrawn. If the layout is no longer correct after resizing, the order or type of attachments may have to be adjusted (see: Evaluation of attachments).

Note: From Windows 10 on windows have a thinner frame. For backwards compatibility, Windows has adjusted the calculation of the window coordinates so that toplevel windows appear smaller at a height of X pixels because they still have a transparent border.

Code example: (double the width of the current widget)
Var(width,height) GetSize -> height 2 * -> width width height Resize

See also: