



This class function searches all files and directories according to a certain pattern and then sorts them according to the sorting mode:
0: names (case sensitive)
1: Names (case insensitive)
2: Creation date
3: Date of last modification
4: Date of last access (not for all file systems)

Errors (e.g. a non-existent path) are not reported, but result in an empty vector. CX_ROOTDIR in the file specification is replaced by the correct path. When called with "*.*", only the actual contents of the directory are returned (the relative path symbols "." and ".." are not output)

Code example:
"CX_ROOTDIR\\*.*" 0 SystemObject Call(FindFiles)

Stack Position Object type Brief description
Stack(In) Top CX_SYSTEM_OBJECT SystemObject
Top 1 INTEGER Sort mode
top 2 STRING File specification (path with wildcards)
Stack(Out) Top VECTOR<CX_FILE_INFO> of CX_FILE_INFO objects
Function call: Call(FindFiles)