


Class hierarchy

as for CX_FCONDITION, but with an additional data field "Name".

Code example:
Var(condition) CreatePersObject(CX_NAMED_FCONDITION) Dup -> condition "MY_CONDITION" condition Put(Name) "(var(x) + var(y)) > 100" condition Put
List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
Car format INTEGER, INTEGER CX_AMOUNT Returns a formatted object according to the given number of digits before and after the decimal point (only with CX_VALUE, otherwise the object itself).
Add CX_AMOUNT CX_AMOUNT Operator + as function
AddAssign CX_AMOUNT Operator += as function
Amount OBJECT Evaluates the formula condition and returns the value of the result object
AmountWeak CX_AMOUNT
DivAssign CX_AMOUNT Operator /= as function
Divide CX_AMOUNT CX_AMOUNT Operator / as function
Evaluate OBJECT Evaluating the formula condition
Evaluate1 OBJECT Evaluation of the formula condition, unbound variable leads to error
Evaluate2 OBJECT Evaluation of the formula condition, for unbound variables the result is 0.0 (CX_NUMERIC)
Evaluate3 OBJECT Evaluation of the formula condition, unbound variables are queried with SendMsg / WaitOnInput if no InstantView® message is logged on: Error
Evaluate4 OBJECT Evaluation of the formula condition, for unbound variables an object corresponding to the type with value zero is included in the calculation.
EvaluateWeak OBJECT Evaluation of the formula condition, as with Evaluate1, errors are written to a CX_VESSEL object
VECTOR<STRING>Returns all access paths of this formula
GetInputVarNames (OBJECT) VECTOR<STRING> returns the names of all variables required for the calculation of the formula condition, if a container object is specified, the corresponding dynamic data fields are created in this object
MulAssign CX_AMOUNT Operator *= as function
Multiply CX_AMOUNT CX_AMOUNT Operator * as function
RawFormula STRING Formula condition in string form
SetMessage (INTEGER) Register InstantView® message (for Evaluate3)
ShowIPN STRING Displaying the formula condition in the IP notation
SubAssign CX_AMOUNT Operator -= as function
Subtract CX_AMOUNT CX_AMOUNT Operator - as a function
XML export STRING Formula in XML (local character set) form
XML exportUTF8 STRING Formula in the XML form (UTF-8)

* MA = Member Access Function

Special functions within a formula expression

Function Parameters Return Brief description
available (OBJECT) OBJECT tests whether the variable specified as a parameter (i.e. a dynamic data field or an access expression) is bound In contrast to has(...) the variable is loosely bound (the normal case).
get (OBJECT) OBJECT calls for the variable to be closely linked.
has (OBJECT) OBJECT tests whether the variable specified as a parameter (i.e. a dynamic data field or an access expression) is bound, whereby the variable is bound closely (see function get)
inherited (OBJECT, OBJECT) OBJECT tests whether the object designated with variable is derived from the class designated with the second parameter. The name of a class can be specified as a parameter (type constant)
type (OBJECT) OBJECT returns the type of a variable. The result can be compared with a type constant.
var (OBJECT) OBJECT returns the value of an InstantView® variable whose name must be specified as a parameter. var(...) can also be placed at the beginning of an access expression.
Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
_object CX_CLASS The object that is bound to the condition
_condition CX_FCONDITION The object itself
this if (_object != NULL) _object else _condition
Name of a column variable STRING the formula term for the column variable ¹)
expr STRING (Remaining) term of the formula which does not belong to any column variable ¹)

* I = Indexable data field

¹) only if CX_FCONDITION is already an element of a CX_CONDITIONED_BAG object

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description