


Class hierarchy

class to make the various aspects of an HTTP request accessible in the InstantView code in an ordered manner. If a message is called via an HTTP request, an object of the type CX_HTTP_REQUEST is on the stack.

The specification of an http request can be found at http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-5

The specification for decomposing the request URL can be found here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.2.2

The class distinguishes between URL(Query) and body parameters. Query parameters are sent with the HTTP request in the URL in the form ?name=value&name2=value2. For HTML forms of type POST, the parameters are normally transmitted in the body. The content type is then set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded or formdata/multipart. If the Web service server detects such a content type, the body is interpreted and the body parameters are stored separately from the query parameters. In this way, a query received via the web service can be correctly reconstructed at SendRequest .

Code example:

The http request

GET /call_person?person_name=Schmidt

would be forwarded to the following message implementation:

CALL_PERSON_GET: "person_name" Swap Call(GetParameter) GetPersonFromName FormatPersonAsJSON ReturnStack

Note that the original request path ("call_person") has been converted to capital letters and the method ("GET") has been appended to obtain the name of the message to be called.

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
GetBody STRING Delivers the body of the HTTP request.
STRINGReturns the body as a base64 encoded string.
STRING Writes the body to the specified file
GetParameterNames VECTOR Returns the names of the URL and body parameters.
GetParameter STRING STRING Returns the value of a specific URL or body parameter
GetHeaderNames VECTOR Returns the names of the HTTP headers of the request
GetHeader STRING STRING Returns the value of a specific HTTP header
GetHostName STRING Returns the target host of the request
GetMethod STRING Returns the HTTP method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/...)
GetTime CX_DATETIME If SetReceiveMessage is set in the WebService Manager, the time of the request is returned
GetURL STRING Returns the relative path that was specified in the request.
In the example above: "/call_person
SetBody STRING Sets the HTTP body
STRING Sets the body from a base64-encoded string
STRING Sets the body from the content of the passed file.
SetHeader STRING, STRING Sets an HTTP request header
Set parameters STRING, STRING Sets an HTTP request parameter
SetProxy STRING Sets the proxy to be used for SendRequest.
SetQueryParameter STRING, STRING Sets an HTTP query parameter
SetURL STRING Sets the request url(& protocol, port, host, query)

* MA = Member Access function,
grey background = inherited function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description

*I = Indexable data field,
grey background = inherited data field

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description